Almost one week in USA
Heeeeeeeey - here's finally today's update!
So today's the last the Ellen is staying here. She'll be going home by noon tomorrow. I really like her, too bad she's going. I hope I'll see her again before my year here's over.
Anyways - technology really hasn't been our friend lately! I just noticed a cupple of days ago that I accidently brought a German charger to my cumputer which I though was an american one, that's why my computer hasn't been working so I haven't been able to blog! And our Internet just keeps stop working all the time and we still don't know what's wrong, it's really annoying! Andrea's computer just got virus too! So today we decided to go and fix all this!
So we went to Crawfordsville, before going to fix the computer issues we turned in Andrea's car (she hit a dear the other day) We went to Wallmart shopping too, and then we went to a place called "Arnis'" to have lunch.
My hostmom had to pick up some Amish guys and drive them home. Amish is some kind of religion - don't ask me about it because I don't really get it. x) So we drove there to pick them up!
And tonight we've just been hanging out here at the house, we had some family over for dinner. Tomorrow we're going on a trip to the Cinncinati area in Kentucky! And then I'll hopefully get to see my Swedish friend Elsa,the exchange student I met on the flight to Chicago! She lives in Louisville - Kentucky! Read her blog ---> ! :)

Linda has a dirty truck...
Thank you so much for reading!
I promise I'll be faster on my updatings from now on!
God bless y'all! <3
Sunday - Going to church!
Heeey again!
Yesterday was my first Sunday here in Indiana - which of course meant church!
So at 9.15 I went with my host family plus Ellen to the Pentecostal church in Rockville, a tiny town about 30 minutes away.
I met some new persons and got to listen to a god sermon. The Rockville church was really cool :)
Andrea's friend Angel, who I met my first day here at the fair, came with us home.
We just chilled out at our place, cuddleing with the kittens. Except that Iris (my kitten that I got to name) really doesn't like to be picked up...

Here's a pic with the girls from Yesterday, I really don't like that pic of me though... :)
After Angel was picked up, me, Ellen and Andrea got ready to go to a youth meeting at the church in Terre Haute. I met some of the kids from that church when I was in Terre Haute last time at the Bible study. They're really funny!
It was a good meeting, with a lot of worshiping and praying.
After church, we went with the guys that I got to know at the Bible study to grab a Starbucks! I just thought that I had to have a vanilla-latte at Starbucks since I was in the USA!

Got speeded up by the coffe and had a great time with these guys!
So after being at Starbucks with Kendall, Daniel and Cameron, we grils went to pick up some late dinner on our way back home.
Exhausting day!!
Thanks a lot for reading!
God bless! <3
// Lollo
Finally updating again!
Hey all my readers!
I'm sorry I haven't updated for a cupple of days but I've had problems with both internet comnection and my laptop.
Anyway! I've been here for almost a week now! It really has been an eventful start!
First of all, I've got a cold from all this going out and in due to the airconditioning - but I hope it'll soon be over.
Right now, we have Andrea's friend Ellen over, she's been here since Saturday and she'll be staying until tomorrow! :) We've had so much fun together, Ellen is a really cool person! Too bad she's going home tomorrow!
When she came this Saturday, Andrea and I went out to the 4H Fair to meet her. Before she got there we just hung out with Andrea's best friend Linda and Linda's boyfriend Logan. 

It was the last day of the fair, so there was car derby that we went to before we met up Ellen.

Yeaaaaah! Old cars smashing into each other!!!!!
Before we went home from the fair, we met up some other guys I just met the other day whenAndrea and I went to Terre Haute, It was an awesome night !
I'm going to update some more about the days I've been missing out to blog about this week! Hope you wannna' reed it!
God bless! <3
Terre Haute
Heeeey le blog! Today it wasn't as warm as usually, only like 34 C ...
So today Andrea and I went to Terre Haute, a city nerby where we live, to go shopping.
We went to the mall, and I can just say that I'm wayyyyy porer now than I was yesterday! America has awesome shopping!!!!!! We drove by some of her friends to her to just to get me introduced :)
But before we went I ran intomy little kitten, Iris :) Not to brag but she's the cutest kitten I've ever seen!

It was the first time I actully succeded to capture her today, boy she isn't the cuddly one!
These are the clothes I bought today at the mall in Terre Haute :)

USA is going to be a hugh danger to my wallet!
After the mall we went to Andrea's frind Cameron's place and picked him up to go bibel study, still in Terre Haute. That of course meant meeting some more new people for me! Andrea's friends are really funny, and I had a great time at bible study today with them too! Looking forward to the next time, allthought it wasn't only bible stuying but also a lot of sharing embaresing stories about ourselfes! x)
At last me and Andrea had dinner at an Italian restaurant, where I got to live up to my Italian surname by eating spaghetti with a fork and a spoon! Funny times haha!
It was beatiful to drive home from Terre Haute while the sun was setting, and then we stopped at the 4-H Fair really qiuck on our way home to pick up Andrea's project!
Tomorrow we'll have her friend Ellen come over here spending the weekend, it will be exciting to meet her!
Thanks for reading!
I'll update as soon as I can!
God bless <3
My first days in Indiana!
Hey everyone! I'm finally in the USA!
Well I'm still a bit jetlagged but I'll adjust in a few days :)
Allthough the heath here is killing me, I've had a great time!
Allthough the heath here is killing me, I've had a great time!
Yesterday me and my hostsiter Andrea went to a 4H-fair in a town nearby to look at the animals! I got to meet some of her friends too :) We went homme really late though so I was exhausted due to the time difference and all new impressions. My English is allready getting better :)))
Today I've been meeting some of my hostfamilys' relatives, and we went over to my hostbrother Bradleys' farm to look at the animals! It's been a great day, I miss all my Swedish friends though! :/
And I got to skype with my friend Elin today, she's an exchange student too and she's coming to the USA this Tuesday! She'll be living in Volga - South Dakota and she'll be flying to Chicago airport just like me so I gave her
And I got to skype with my friend Elin today, she's an exchange student too and she's coming to the USA this Tuesday! She'll be living in Volga - South Dakota and she'll be flying to Chicago airport just like me so I gave her
some tips before the trip!

My friends and my family came with me to the airport to have breakfast and say goodbye to me! Love them <3
Chicago O'hare airport was huge, but fortunately I wasn't alone, I met five other exchange students in Düsseldorf on the flight to Chicago. Three of them we're going to Kentucky just near me and one of the was Swedish too. :)
Maybe I'll get hopefully to meet her next week when me and my hostfamily are going on a trip just to the Kentucky border near her! :)
Maybe I'll get hopefully to meet her next week when me and my hostfamily are going on a trip just to the Kentucky border near her! :)

Luckily I had my exchange student friends with me and there was an EF representant at Chicago who helped us! But we lost Felix, one of the Austrian guys on our way to the domestic terminal.
I'll update more soon!
Thanks for reading!
God bless!
Packing ^^
So today I'm starting to pack for real. I also try to fix the last things I've got to do before leaving!
So on todays' schedule is taking my last vaccination against TBE and recharge my American cell phone card with money.
Important for everyone who has my number to know is that I've got two new numbers so far, one American and one global. You can still reach me on my old number until tuesday, after that you'll have to call my global number so it won't cost that much. When I get to the USA I'll try to find a good contract for my Iphone with free surf so I can use Imessage, viber and skype to text and call for free, then you can use my Iphone number again! If you want my new numbers I'll give them to you via Skype och the facebook chat!
Feels a little bit sad that I won't se my friends here in Sweden for a year now :/ But some of them will come with me to the Airport Tuesday morning to have breakfast with me at Arlanda before I leave! Looking forward to it!

So here's the presents I got last week when I had my goodbye party (fika!!?) for my friends! Swedish "knäckebröd", "Svennes kaviar" , a step-by-step book about baking (I'm really not the housewife kind-of-a-girl!) , Swedish marabou chocolate in for different flavours, American candy and finally some toching letters from beloved friends! Thanks so much for coming!
Well I guessI'll just get started with the packing now!
Thanks for reading!
Thanks for reading!
God bless <3
Last week in Sweden
Hey there!
Thought that I should get started with my blog!
So this is my last week in Sweden, I'm leaving Tuesday morning the 24th.
So this is my last week in Sweden, I'm leaving Tuesday morning the 24th.
My feelings are mixed right now, I go from being extremley excited and pepped for this year to being devastadet about leaving my family and friends. But that's how it's supposed to be I guess!
I have a lot of friends who're also going studying abroad this year, so I'm not alone! Thank God!
I have a lot of friends who're also going studying abroad this year, so I'm not alone! Thank God!
Today was my last day saying goodbye to my friends in Sweden, and the only thing I have to look forward to is packing this weekend. My friends gave me an unbeatable good bye though!
I was kidnapped and forced into a car completly blindfolded, and I had no idea who was driving or where we were going.

It was my friends Amilia, Felicia, Linus and Johnny who kidnapped me, and they took me to a really nice beach where we had picknick and went hiking in the woods. Had a great time, we looked for bats to but they were asleep since it was in the afternoon.

Finally we went to my place just chilling watching a movie :)
Going to miss them, but I know this year is going to be the biggest adventure of my life!
And I won't forget about my friends in Sweden!
I'll update more when the time comes for me to travel!
Thanks for reading!
God bless! <3
Thanks for reading!
God bless! <3